The life of Australian Soldier during WWII

Ms Zagari - 7-CBL-A

In our CBL class we did the life of soldiers in WWll. We did this project because we were interested in how soldiers live, what they ate, and what they used to fight. I learned that in World War 2 they used a lot of different weapons. I also learned that food was scarce. A surprise for me was that a lot of good soldiers died of various diseases like foot diseases from not being clean or being in the water too much.

Quinn, Year 7

The World War Two CBL project was a fun and exciting project that taught us about the lives of Australian soldiers and how to cooperate in a large group to create a presentation. Our group decided we wanted to learn how difficult it was to be a soldier in the war so that is why we decided to explore this part of world war 2. We split each part of the class into different groups which researched different aspects such as bunkers, food, weapons, and more. It was great to learn about the past and to work together with people that I usually don’t talk to.

Lewis, Year 7

The Battle of Milne Bay

Mr Scarterfield - 7-CBL-B

In my CBL classroom, as a group decided that we would make some informational posters about World War II. Also, we will make a runway out of cardboard and using paper mache to create different planes that were associated in that war. A few other students decided to make trees out of cardboard and then we painted them all and it turned out amazing. Our class decided to do this because we thought that it would be an interesting and fun way to teach people about the planes that were used in the war, and how the different kinds of planes help with different kinds of jobs, including shooting, bombing, and carrying passengers. We thought that it would be a really different and unique way to show information. We learnt an incredible amount of information about World War II when creating the factual posters, such as certain soldiers life and their journeys, including where they travelled. Also, we learnt a large amount about Milne Bay where the runway was located. I really enjoyed this CBL project and I would definitely recommend it for next year.

Koby, Year 7

Our class worked on the war in Milne bay, in particular we focused on the 75 and 76th squadron RAAF, the weapons that were used, vegetation/nature, what the aircraft looked like, types of planes that were used and the camps. We made an airfield and information sheets. We made an airfield out of cardboard that was painted as well as the vegetation, camps and planes; we also added toy planes to include on our airfield. We watched videos and researched to make our information sheets. 

During the start of our project, we brainstormed on the board about topics we were interested in, then we decided together to work on the Milne Bay war. Everyone researched different information that linked to the Milne Bay war. We chose this topic because we thought it was something that would be interesting to learn about and something we could create big for our presentation. We also chose this because we also thought it would be different from other groups.

We watched a video when we started our project and we learn that many countries fought and had many weapons. Many leaders of countries made a huge impact on other countries which caused them to suffer for a while. At the end of our presentation we learned that many people sacrificed their lives for war and that there were many aircrafts and weapons. Also, many people and vegetation had died. WWll is a very not peaceful event because many people sacrificed their lives and many people died, as well as nature and places were affected.  While it was sad, we will remember the people that sacrificed their lives for us.

Marisa, Year 7

World War II Monument

Ms Hall - 7-CBL-C

In this CBL challenge, we were challenged to create a World War 2 monument. Our CBL class decided to make different weapons with a cross commemorating WW2. We also made different fighter planes that were used in the war. We chose to focus on the Australian side of the war and how we, as a country, were affected. We also chose to focus on how disease affected the celebration of the ending of the war. We chose these topics because they meant the most to us and are the most relatable because we live in Australia and we are currently battling coronavirus. In this project, we learned how our own country was affected by the war and how we were a part of the British army. We also learned about the different weapons, planes, and even the horses they used. In the end, we really enjoyed this project.

Taj, Year 7

Rationing and General Store

Ms Spencer - 7-CBL-D

Our class decided to focus on rationing during World War II. This topic was of particular interest to students because of their experiences during COVID-19, with shortages of toilet paper, as well as canned and frozen vegetables. This current experience allowed students to empathise with the experience of war. Students researched the types of items that were available and how much of each item was available from the rations.

The students showcased the General Store rationing experience by having customers get dressed in authentic outfits that students made and then purchase items with their rationing tickets. Students recreated items by finding authentic labels from the era to reproduce the experience in the current context.

Students were surprised by how little families had to live on. Moreover, it shocked students to know that, by comparison, how lucky Australian families were compared to other countries at the time.

Mrs Spencer

Arch of Freedom

Mrs Hayes - 7-CBL-E

Our CBL project was called the arch of remembrance. The idea behind it was that you could walk through and see pictures of WWII veterans that died or survived during WWII. We used an arch so you could walk through it and think about what these people went through to make our world a better and safer place for everyone to live together in peace, prosperity and harmony. The person in our classroom that came up with the idea was Sophie. The arch was made of a medium-large archway covered in green wire with different kinds of poppies such as red-painted bottles and paper coloured red.

James & Liam, Year 7

World War 2 Scenery Box and Cross

Ms Marino - 7-CBL-F

We designed a scene from World War 2, representing the main aspects of the war. Our design includes a flight bomber, a little boy coming out from the bottom, and a handmade hat to represent someone who had died. We also developed an information display with a cross saying Lest We Forget burnt into it. My class chose the topic of the various bombing campaigns and their effect on the citizens. My class learned that World War 2 was very destructive and caused a lot of fear and sadness.

Tjay, Year 7

D-Day Invasion

Ms Wijayanti - 7-CBL-G

We chose to focus on the D-Day invasion for our CBL project. We researched food, planes, boats, and created a map locating the D-Day Invasion. We chose D-Day because of the importance of the battle and its tremendous influence on the war. We learnt that WW2 was one of the most impactful and deadly wars. The Normandy Landings were one part of WW2 that was most sad and impactful of the war.

Eli, Year 7

Sadoko Sasaki & The Bombing of Hiroshima

Ms Wijayanti - 7-CBL-G

For our project, we picked the topic of Sadako Sasaki and the Thousand Paper Cranes. My class chose this project because there is often a focus on the German side of World War II so we wanted to focus on the Pacific side. During this project, we learned that the war ended shortly after the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings. To present this project we 3D printed a statue of Sadako Sasaki and folded over 110 paper cranes.

Bethany, Year 7