Whenever you use information from another source, that is someone other than yourself, you must attribute/acknowledge this source. This is true whether you are quoting or paraphrasing.

Research tasks ask you to demonstrate the ability to find and use information from a range of sources. For this reason, it is even more important that you keep track of every book, website or article you use and include all sources in a bibliography. 

The information on this page will help to reference correctly and complete a bibliography successfully. 



When you provide a direct quote from any source you must acknowledge that this is someone else's words and ideas by using quotation marks (" ") and providing a reference next to the quote. 

For example:

We know that nuclear power "has the ability to power cities" (Bailey, 2015) and much more. 

Nuclear plant accidents have caused governments to change their use of nuclear power, for example in Germany "announced that it planned to stop using nuclear power by the 2020s" (Bailey, 2015). 

You still include these texts in the final bibliography.



Use Citemaker to write correct bibliographies and intext references. The site provides step-by-step instructions on how to complete a bibliography.  (You will need to use your MTCC student email to set up your account the first time you use this link.) Remember there is nothing wrong with referencing lots of different sources, this shows that you have researched widely.



APA7th Quick Guide


